
Lenten Reflections - Twenty- Second Day "LOVE"- Friday, March 12, 2015


Prophet Hosea was asked by Yahweh to marry a prostitute and love her as God would love him.
The love of God has to be manifested in the love of neighbor. Hosea was to mirror God’s love to his wife.
This love relationship progressed wonderfully until they had a son Jezreel and then Gomer began ‘falling out of love’ for Hosea.
Hosea never gave up as God would never give up on people.
True love cannot fester violence or vengeance against the neighbor.
Famous Rabbi Hillel says, “what you find hateful do not do to another.
This is the whole of the Law: everything else is commentary”.
The young man in the Gospel understood the meaning of the words loving one’s God with whole heart and mind and the neighbor.
That’s why Jesus said, you are not far from the Kingdom of God.
 He has the insight and gift of understanding but one thing lacking is the courage to live up to that love that calls for a deeper commitment.
 The commitment has to accept a neighbor who has betray us and spread malicious lies against us, to be sensitive to the needs of a neighbor, to forgive a neighbor who has wronged us and hurt us, to serve that neighbor who is in need.
So the two loves: love of God and neighbor cannot be separated but held in healthy tension if you are to truly follow God.
Let us learn to love that obnoxious neighbor with the ‘love that is poured out into our hearts’ by God who is Love.

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