
Daily Lenten Reflections..Thirtieth Seventh Day "Hosanna!" Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015


It’s Palm Sunday. Today we mark the solemn entry of Jesus to the city of Jerusalem riding on a colt with people bearing palm branches and singing Hosanna to the King. 

The colt is Christopher or Christ bearer according to Fr. Robert Baron just like a disciple who will bear Christ to the world. 

He goes on to say that “The humble donkey, pressed into service, is a model of discipleship. 

Our purpose in life is not to draw attention to ourselves, to have a brilliant career, to aggrandize our egos; rather our purpose is to serve the Master's need, to cooperate, as he sees fit, with his work”. 

The choice of Jesus to use a colt instead of a horse to make his entry is truly a sign of humility, an unassuming King on an assuming, simple, little animal.

Pope Francis today in his homily reminded that world: “This is God’s way, the way of humility. It is the way of Jesus; there is no other. 

And there can be no humility without humiliation.” Pope called on the faithful to pay attention to the Christians who are persecuted around the world, the very people who are humiliated, tortured, murdered for bearing Christ to the world. 

Pope Francis called them ‘the martyrs of our time, the cloud of witnesses’.

We need this Sunday to remember Christ’s ultimate journey, ultimate suffering, ultimate love and ultimate triumph. 

The palms we carry should be a reminder and a challenge for all of us. 

They remind us that we are called to be heralds of Christ – to celebrate him the way they did that day in Jerusalem. 

And these palms challenge us to keep crying “Hosanna,” to keep proclaiming the Good News – even when the world tempts us to do otherwise, even when it seems like it would be easier to go with the crowd and simply choose Barabbas. 

These palms challenge us to not turn our back and walk away. 

They challenge us to not step over Christ, or ignore him. 

And they challenge us not only to remember what we have done to him, but what he has done for us. And look to these palms. 

Look at what we are called to do…and who we are called to be.

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