
Lent Reflections.. Fourteenth Day..."“Cease doing evil and learn to do good”!" Tuesday, March 3, 2015

“Cease doing evil and learn to do good”!

How is your lent going? 

What are your Lenten practices and are you faithfully carrying them out? 

May be suddenly you realize that I have to do something for lent? 

You are never too late. 

Through Prophet Isaiah the Lord reminds us “ come wash yourselves clean, and let us set things right”. 

The Lord is taking the first step reassess our lives and do the right thing. 

Approach the sacrament of penance, then embark on doing good: 

The corporal works of mercy. 

Maybe you can visit a sick person today that always wanted to visit and offer your words of encouragement or presence to let them know how much God cares about them.

It could be your son, daughter, spouse who is really struggling with some issues and you would want to give your listening ear. 

No matter what you do, doing it with utmost love for the Lord is essential. Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their lack of depth, honesty and integrity in their conduct of themselves for they were doing everything for a show. 

Their hearts were far from God. 

So Jesus tells them to ‘practice what they preach’. 

The reward that awaits us is: “if you are willing and obey, you will eat good things of the land” which is peace and joy that knows no bounds. 

So let us get on with our Lenten practices for the glory of God. 

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