

Passing Over!


         St. Ambrose of Milan once remarked, “Jesus, I wish you would let me wash your feet, since it was through walking about in me that you soiled them.
I wish you would give me the task of wiping the stains from your feet, because it was my behavior that put them there.
But where can I get the running water I need to wash your feet?
If I have no water, at least I have tears.”

The ‘passing over’ of Jesus was full of rituals that made a lasting memory or everlasting memory for Christians for all generations to come.
The son of God is passing over from this world to the next by leaving behind a memory of humility, service, and joy of life.
In the washing and the kissing and wiping what do we see?
A God in action, in healing, in restoring and rebuilding lives for ages to come.
The Master on his knees, the Savior who bends to lend us lasting memory!
The Lord willing to be taken up, broken up, lifted up, given up  so that all may be brought up to share God’s victory over sin and death.
The most memorable gift ever received by humanity is the Holy Eucharist for in which God continues to sacrifice God self so that we can be redeemed from our damned way of life.
 How much do we appreciate Jesus’ act of humility and the gem of Eucharist?
Our Passover to the next phase of life, a life with God is indeed worth looking forward to for indeed we get invited to the eternal banquet.
As we go through the rituals of foot-washing, the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Priesthood, let us not forget the rich heritage and Tradition we do have to be proud of!
Let us learn to wash the feet of Jesus with tears for it bears great fruit in Jesus!

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