
Lent Reflections Fifth Day..."THE TEMPTATIONS OF JESUS" Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Temptation of Jesus:

Jesus received the baptism of John in order to align himself with the sinful humanity. 

Right after that Jesus goes into the desert- wilderness led by the Spirit. 

There he resists all the temptations leveled against him by the Evil one. 

He chose to remain obedient to God and follow His will rather than follow the evil ways.

Jesus had to face the three great enemies of human salvation: inordinate appetite of sense, pride of life, and lust for possessions.


St. Francis de Sales said, “the spirit cannot endure the body when overfed, but, if underfed, the body cannot endure the spirit”.

Lent is a time when we strongly align ourselves with the Redeemer of the Humanity to feed our soul and resist whatever stands in the way. 

We are making a conscious choice to go for greater and deeper things of life and that cannot be achieved without fasting. 

How often do we feed our sensual pleasures so much so that we think without satisfying those needs our life will be meaningless. 

Jesus resisted these by saying “human person does not live on bread alone but every word that comes God”. 

Here he makes a conscious choice for God’s Word, the Will of God and the ways of the One who feeds us with the most Bread of Life. 

Can we find more time take up the Scripture this season of Lent rather than our favorite novel, thriller, and allow the Word to inspire us? 

Late Jesuit Scripture scholar Fr. Daniel Harrington used to say that ‘he has the best job in the world that is reflecting on the Word of God every day. 

Can we resist all our ‘sensual’ readings and choose the Word to inspire and challenge us during the next 40 days?  

Catholic Spiritual Directions' Series

Spiritual Direction: 


How to overcome satan's influence in one's life:


How to avoid distractions:


How to stop judging people:


How to Remain Chaste in a Sex-Crazed World

How to Win the Battle Over Pride


How Can One Stop from Repeating the Same Old Sins in Confession?

How to become a saint:


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